Monday, March 23, 2009

An audience of fox and deer

Very nice track on some (finally!) green grass located on a strip in the middle of the corn field. Most of the turns were a bit sloppy, we need to work on them. I think I need to start baiting all his turns until he's showing "absolute" precision and then gradually cut back here and there. However, I was proud of myself in that I offered no help, and allowed Treck to figure out the track on his own. I was happy to see he stayed calm throughout.

Date: 3/23/09
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Temp.: 43*
Weather: clear, wind 10-15 mph
Length: 300 paces
Age: 15 minutes
Conditions: dead grass and new, spring grass, corn husks/ears
Turns: 6
Articles: 1 cloth, 1 wood, 1 leather

Treck's article indications were awesome. This no food on the article thing is working for us. Straight and fast! I did make a mistake on one of his articles when I told him to 'such' after he had finished eating his article reward. With him its best to tell him to 'such' while he is still eating as it makes him calmer. If not, then he leaps up from his platz to continue the track. This happened in both his SchH1 and SchH2 trials. No food reward for finding the article causes him to be too fast and hectic when commanded to 'such' again. I'm wondering how I can prepare for that?

I'll note that for this track and for his last track I did not use a prong collar, only his fursaver. In the past I've always tracked him with the line attached to both. I have noticed more calmness during his tracks. I think all the prong suceeded in doing was increasing his drive and excitement level. Good for obedience, but not for tracking. At least not for Treck, as he loves to track.

Sorry for the long winded post and no pretty pictures. :( My camera died while I was laying it. Also causing me to miss a photo opportunity as I had both a fox and a doe watch me lay the track! :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

An introduction and our goals

I guess I'll go ahead and take a moment to introduce Treck, the star of this little tracking blog. Treck's full name is UCD Maximus von den wilden Rabbits BH, SchH1, CD, NA, NAJ, HCT-s, CGC. So where's his tracking title? It's hidden in that SchH1 since Schutzhund is a sport that is comprised of tracking, obedience and protection. Treck is eight years old now. And I'm currently deciding just what I should do with him. We missed nearly 2 years of training because of two, severe muscle strains to his right hindleg ... the iliopsoas and gracilis muscles ... yeah, I know, I'd never heard of them before either, but now I'll never forget them considering what they cost me! ;) I would like to trial him for his Schutzhund tracking (TR1, 2 & 3) titles when he's ready. His injury is a chronic problem and so he is now retired from serious protection training. The FH and FH2 tracking titles are our ultimate goal. And I'm also considering AKC tracking as well. Those are our tracking goals. As far as other dog sport venues, I'd also like to try for the Schutzhund obedience (OB1, 2 & 3) titles and his CDX, he's already trained through these levels. Wish us luck! :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tracking at the club ...

Due to my work schedule I had not been able to train with my schutzhund club since last summer. So it was fun to be able to meet up with everyone today. It was an evening session, which means obedience and protection only, but I got there early and laid a track for Treck.

Onto the second leg.

Date: 3/14/09
Time: 2:30 p.m.
Temp.: 42*
Weather: clear
Length: 210 paces
Age: 15 minutes
Conditions: dead grass, dead leaves
Turns: 2
Articles: 1 cloth

Second turn.

These were the nicest conditons that Treck has had the opportunity to track on since we started back up. The first turn was on bare ground (really dry dirt) and he nailed it, the second was in dead grass with a bunch of dead leaves over top and after a quick head check right he turned left and finished up his last leg in good order. You can see his article indication below.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Well, I had planned on giving Treck just a simple, staightforward track, one turn, two articles ... however a storm front decided to move in and bring us some wind. Nothing too wild, but the 20+ mile per hour gusts added a good challenge.

Date: 3/11/09
Time: 5:45 p.m.
Temp.: 65*
Weather: clear, 23 mph wind gusts
Length: 135 paces
Age: 15 minutes
Conditions: dead grass

Turns: 1
Articles: 1 wood, 1 leather

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Frozen fur

I wanted to work on turns tonight with Treck. Although in hindsight I probably shouldn't have introduced a new terrain (snow) at the same time. At the start of his track he was very excited. I didn't take into account that he had been cooped inside for the past couple of days because of a snowstorm. He overshot his baited first turn by a half a body length, then started to setttle in, his second turn (unbaited) wasn't quite perfect, but he nailed his last three turns, 2 unbaited and 1 baited. Concerning the terrain ... although he didn't show any concern as the track changed back and forth between snow and dirt, he did however go off track twice in the dirt/cornstalks, he left the track by about a body length each time but quickly found it again. And at the end of his last leg he went off track, thus missing his article, so I restarted him and he had a nice indication. I think I helped him too much and should have let him work it out more on his own.

Date: 3/4/09
Time: 5:15 p.m.
Temp.: 16*
Weather: cold, clear, negligible wind
Length: 160 paces
Age: 10 minutes
Conditions: dirt, snow, dead corn stalks

Turns: 5
Articles: 1 cloth

The two of us are still learning a lot. I was able to reflect back on our track as we took a short hike around the farm and I concluded we both simply need more practice. It's been awhile since we tracked regularly. I also never kept a log, already this has been very helpful. I'm looking forward to the journey.